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Lanayre Liggera holds an MA from the Tufts University and another from Cambridge-Goddard Graduate School, where she became interested in the history of woman as portrayed by music, which led to the formation of the New Harmony Sisterhood Band, with Lanayre on banjo. The students’ research produced the book All Our Lives, which was used on college campuses until radicals blew up the publisher, Diane Press.


Sometime later, she began to pursue a long-held interest in early aviation. Inevitably, this led studying World War I, spending several tours of the Western Front sponsored by our parent organization, the Western Front Association, US Branch. Lanayre was named chairman of the New England- New York chapter, a post which she held for fourteen years, which held a yearly conference at a different location in our region.


She and her husband were involved as volunteers in prison ministry for eighteen years, as well as nursing homes, soup kitchens, and the VA. They live in the Hudson Valley, where they try to keep up with comings and goings of their global grandchildren.



The Golden Virgin

Who Made The Lamb


A Shadow Before Me



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